
Kelly has been a Realtor/Consultant for the past 17 years. She holds a degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting from Northeastern University and has earned various other industry certificates, designations and awards of excellence.

Kelly has used her business and financial background and over three decades of training and teaching to help change lives, legacies and companies.

Kelly has a passion for philanthropy and wants to continue to give back to others not only financially.  She has not forgotten where she has come from and blessed that she has a history to share, so that others too can know that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

She is especially passionate about helping others stay out of debt, she was introduced to debt in college and that spiraled into decades of struggle and ultimate triumph through tithing, by following God's principles and other success tools.

A Child of God, a Wife to John for the past 20 years, a Mother of a 18 year old - Janai and a recent Mom to an adorable Poochon puppy name Harmony;

Kelly invites you to take the next step into a Journey of Self-discovery and Empowerment.

"Pough Lifestyle Solutions - Committed to transforming lives and legacies "